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Calhoun County Economic Development Council Commemorates Grant Allocation of $858,000 Through New SEEDS Program

February 27th, 2024 

On Monday, February 26th, the Calhoun County Economic Development Council was thrilled to receive notice from Alabama’s State Industrial Development Authority (SIDA) announcing the awarding of $858,000 in grant funding secured for industrial site development through the newly formed Site Evaluation and Economic Development Strategy (SEEDS) program. Last year, Governor Kay Ivey and the State Legislature approved this vital component of the governor's "Game Plan" a collection of economic development bills that focuses on the pressing demand for high-quality industrial sites in Alabama. This initiative comes at a key point in time, as many other states are making considerable investments to enhance their site programs. 

“SEEDS represents an important tool that will allow us to keep winning those economic development projects that trigger lasting impacts for Alabama citizens,” said Governor Kay Ivey. 

Ellen McNair, secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce, reported “The SEEDS Act is allowing us to identify and develop sites as a critical function of our ability to recruit new industry and jobs. We must have a product to sell.” 

The Calhoun County Economic Development Council’s application was awarded to serve a project that will aid in obtaining 150+ acres of additional property which is located near the Oxford West Industrial Park. The money saved from the purchasing of land will be reinvested in the development of the site.  

“The EDC continues to do a good job working together with all of our municipalities to promote economic growth in our area”, said the City of Oxford Mayor Alton Craft. “This SEEDS grant allows for site development that ultimately will bring new industry and create more jobs for our community.” 

Larry Deason, Chairman of the Calhoun County Economic Development Council, emphasized the significance of this moment for the region, promising it as a gateway to attract new industries and fostering economic growth. He said, “Investing in development affirms our readiness to support forthcoming industrial facilities.” 

Deason concluded with "Together, we are pursuing a shared vision of Calhoun County's flourishing economy, one that benefits everyone." 

Overall, the SEEDS grant consisted of $40 million in funding of which $30.1 million has been awarded which will be matched with $38.4 million in local funds. This funding will support development across 29 diverse industrial sites, spanning nearly 8,400 acres.  

For questions please contact Don Hopper at or visit


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Don Hopper

Executive Director

Calhoun County Economic Development Council

Tel: (256) 237-3536

Fax: (256) 237-4338

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Lucas Gockel

Director of Research & Special Projects

Calhoun County Economic Development Council

Tel: (256) 237-3536

Fax: (256) 237-4338

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Mary Katherine Ginn

Administrative Specialist

Calhoun County Economic Development Council

Tel: (256) 237-3536

Fax: (256) 237-4338

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Laurel Harp

Business Development Coordinator 

Calhoun County Economic Development Council

Tel: (256) 237-3536

Fax: (256) 237-4338

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