McClellan Group Building #1 ​​
Address: 149 Seaton Dr
City: Anniston
State: Alabama
County; Calhoun County
Zip code: 36205
Latitude: 33.723433
Longitude: -85.780152
Advantage Site: Yes
Size: 7,500 SqFt shell with shared loading dock
Tax Incentive: Located in New Market Tax Credit and Opportunity Zone areas
McClellan Group Building #2 ​​
Address: 117 Seaton Dr
City: Anniston
State: Alabama
County: Calhoun County
Zip code: 36205
Latitude: 33.723177
Longitude: -85.779908
Advantage Site: Yes
Size: 15,000 SqFt shell with shared loading dock
Tax Incentive: Located in New Market Tax Credit and Opportunity Zone areas
McClellan Group Building #3 ​​
Address: 189 Seaton Dr
City: Anniston
State: Alabama
County: Calhoun County
Zip code: 36205
Latitude: 33.723752
Longitude: -85.780456
Advantage Site: Yes
Size: 7,500 SqFt shell with shared loading dock
Tax Incentive: Located in New Market Tax Credit and Opportunity Zone areas